After three autos in the last batch of packs, it is only to be expected that this group will be a bit less exciting. Sure enough, it was a bit of a snoozer. I am not even sure I can muster a lot of commentary either. I'll try, but don't expect much.
Pack 9
6 - Austin Jackson
24 - Ray Chapman T212 Mini

To this day, the only player killed due to a game related event.
21 - Cal Ripken, Jr.
33 - Ben McDonald
39 - Don Baylor

This card is part of the MiLB Player of the Year subset. Baylor earned that honor while playing for the Rochester Red Wings in 1970.
105 - Charlie Ward
Pack 10
1 - Dustin Ackley
9 - Roger Clemens T212 Mini
18 - Andre Dawson

The Hawk.
30 - Jeff Borroughs
50 - Sebastian "Sibby" Sisti

Sibby looks like he is doing his Icarus impression on this card.
84 - John Pemberton
Pack 11
4 - Starlin Castron
18 - Jason Heyward T212 Mini
75 - Bernice Gera

84 - John Pemberton
103 - Francis Ouimet

This is part of the Muli-Sport subset, although it is a bit of a stretch. Francis Oiumet was strictly an amateur golfer, but funded his playing by working at a sporting goods store owned by baseball HOFer George Wright.
106 - Hulk Hogan
Pack 12
24 - Jack Dunn
29 - Bernice Gera T212 Mini
36 - Smead Jolley

Part of the Minor Leagues Best subset. Jolley had a short (3 years), but successful major league career. He is more known for his time in the Pacific Coast League, back when it was considered the West Coast near-equivalent of MLB. He was a lifetime .367 hitter in the minors, with .372 at the AA level (which was the highest level at the time.)
72 - Al Munro Elias
81 - Connie Mack

I'm sorry, but whenever I see the word "tactician" I always think of this scene from one of the Coen Brothers more underrated films, Intolerable Cruelty (starts at around 0:36):
92 - Charles Tiffany
On a unrelated note, does anyone have a child that collects foreign coins? While sorting through a lot of boxes I had stored in my barn, I came across a bunch of coins that my father gave me when he was travelling for work back in the 1970s. I have coins from France, Italy, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, The Netherlands, Mexico, Australia, and Singapore. If I can find them, I'll even through in some modern coins from Mexico and the EU. They are all circulated, so they won't have any value and I really don't have much use for them, so I'd like to get them into the hands of someone who collects coins. Let me know.
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