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Now, I am no fan of the Red Sox. Nor, for that matter, am I a fan of Red Sox fans. But, I will say this. These two chuckleheads are taking themselves way too seriously. This isn't geopolitics. It isn't a matter of life and death. Heck, I doubt anybody's job is even on the line here. It is baseball. It is a game.
These two talking idiots need to go to a children's hospital or a homeless shelter and look real problems in the eye. That the richest country on earth is increasingly failing it's most vulnerable citizens is a national embarassment; not people singing a cheesy-ass 1970's pop song and bat around a plastic ball, by God. Those people paid to be there and if they want to dance the freaking Macarena and do The Wave, they should be able to do so without being denigrated by these putzes.
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