Saturday, June 29, 2024

New Blair PC Addition

 So, I haven't exactly shut down all hobby spending, but it is the absolute bare minimum.  For $12 delivered, I added a new card to my Paul Blair player collection; one that I have been watching for over the last several years.

A 1968 Topps Venezuelan.  This is, to my knowledge, the last of the Venezuelan issues I needed for this collection.  I logged into my TCDB account and added this to my collection and, flush with excitement, looked to see how complete I was on my Blair PC only to discover a number of new entries that weren't there before.  So, I am only sitting at 62% complete according to TCDB. I'm still the #1 Blair collector, but 62% seems kinda low. Well, it's the chase that counts, right?

Anyways, in the days ahead, I'll update my want list and see what is out there to be had.

What I am Listening to: Dog by The Bottle Rockets.


  1. That's a great find. Congratulations on the addition.

  2. Anytime you can add one of those vintage Venezuelan cards to a player collection... it's a pretty impressive feat. Congratulations.
