Okay, that sounds a little suspect. I will grant that. But, I am not feeling particularly creative today and that was the best I could come up with for a post title where I talk about a trade with Tom over at The Angels, In Order.
As trades go, it wasn't huge. But, it was certainly appreciated. The last few weeks have been somewhat frustrating. When I last reported in on my job search, I had completed a good interview and had been invited to an informal lunch meeting with the manager of a client organization. That seemed to go well and the hiring manager, an old co-worker of mine in a previous time, indicated to me that he was going to work with HR to prepare an job offer for me. Once they had approval on the offer from their executive leadership, they would be back in touch. That was three weeks ago. I touched base, via email, last week and was told, for a number of perfectly understandable reasons, they had not yet had the opportunity to get the offer approval and they would let me know when they did. But, I have heard nothing since. I am not sure why this is taking so long, but I have gone ahead and restarted my job search.
Worst of all, it has really cramped my hobby activities. I have basically very little hobby related in 2 1/2 months. This weekend is the big semi-monthly show in Oklahoma City. I had intended to go and work on my 1971 and 1976 sets, but without an written job offer in hand, I'll have to skip it and hope to be employed by the next one in April.
Actually, today is a good day because I got a trade pack today from the aforementioned Tom. I sent him a smattering of cards off his want list and I got 4 cards back towards my Heritage sets.

This is a high number short print from 2001.

Two inserts from 2011.

Yeah, I include checklists as part of the sets I build.
I feel a little guilty getting a short print and two inserts (which are short prints themselves) in exchange for a handful of commons. But, I am happy to be able to actually put some cards in a binder again. Thank you, Tom.