I probably only spent about $30, but managed to win a raffle for $10 of free spend. All in all, I consider it a successful trip. Here is what I got:
62 more cards towards completing my 1977 set:

"Did the photograph capture the magnificence of my hair?"

Say "what" again. Say "what" again. I dare you. I double-dare you, motherf***er. Say "what" one more goddamn time.

Paul: Reckon it is time to harvest the crops?
Rick: I reckon

Welcome to the first of hopefully many Woolly Caterpillar Conventions!

The Mad Hungarian. 'Nuff said.

Pull my finger.

Tire el dedo.
I also hit some of the vintage boxes, including picking up a 1959 Enos Slaughter:

Sure, he is a Hall of Famer. But, what I really like about this card is the back. His Major League stats start in 1938. Slaughter was playing major league ball when my father was only 2 years old. How wild is that?
Added later: When this picture was taken, Slaughter was 42 or 43 years old. That is 2-3 years younger than I am right now. But, good googly moogly, he looks at least 60 years old. Is it just me, or did the guys from that era age quicker than we do?
I picked up 5 cards from 1960, just because they struck my fancy. No significant rhyme or reason.

But bad trades are part of baseball. Who can forget Frank Robinson for Milt Pappas, for god's sake!

The youngest person ever to play in a major league game at the tender age of 15. Apparently, he started off reasonably well, but became completely unglued when he saw Stan Musial in the on-deck circle.

I grew up in Rochester, NY and, at the time, Johnny Antonelli owned a chain of tire stores there.

Another Hall of Famer.

Vic Power, a/k/a Victor Felipe Pellot Pove.
1972 Thurman Munson In Action....

......for sufficiently inactive values of action.
I also got a Topps Triple Threads Bob Gibson (0387/1350) and one 2011 Topps Heritage short print, but didn't scan them.
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