Sunday, June 30, 2024


 I was updating my TCDB collection today.  I have been keeping up with my set builds, but not my Paul Blair and Johnny Antonelli player collections.  As I mentioned in yesterday's post, there were new entries on TCDB for Blair that I hadn't seen previously.  Alas, the same holds true for Antonelli.  So, I've been trying to get my master spreadsheet updated with these new entries.  You might ask why I am keeping a spreadsheet in addition to TCDB as they should be performing the same function.  You might, but it would be a bit rude of you. However, since the question is on the table, let me answer.

Two reasons: first, I have seen a number previously essential websites disappear (Yahoo Groups and JPGMag are but two) and I will always have my spreadsheet.  Additionally, I have a number of independently produced art cards that are not cataloged on TCDB.  So, with that out of the way, let me get back on track.

While looking at my Antonelli collection versus TCDB, there are three main categories of "wants:'

    1.  Rarities like 1958 Packard Bell and 1971 House of Jazz.
    2. Armour Coins (14 variations from 1955 and 3 from 1959)
    3. Jay Publishing pictures.
I am not going to pursue the coins since they are not cards, or any type of paper product, for that matter.  But the Jay Publishing's are bit of an issue since images get reused year to year. Note:

This is an animated GIF I created that cycles between the 1955, 1956 Past and Present 10, and 1956 Past and Present 12 Jay issues.  The thing is that I cannot be 100% sure the variations you see (image exposure and image position) are attributable to the actual production or are just modern artifacts of image cropping and scanning differences.  I will probably crop off the borders in my starting images and redo the animated GIF to see what that shows.  But, holy moly, I really didn't want to go down a rabbit hole on this.

Added in edit:  The cropped animation.  The slight shifts may very well be my cropping.

What I am listening to: Way Down We Go by KALEO


  1. Yeah, those Jay Publishing pictures are one deep rabbit hole. I assure you there are a variety of cropping differences as I have a bunch of examples with the Dodgers I own. ... I have no idea how to determine the years for many of them.

  2. I keep a spreadsheet and TCDB for the same reason, you never know when or if it will disappear. Plus I keep more info on the spreadsheet such as when, where and how much I got the card for.

  3. I wish I had my collection on a spreadsheet... or TCDB. The goal is to eventually get my player collections up on TCDB first... then my team collections... and eventually my trade bait. Hopefully by the time I find the time to do that, TCDB is still around :D

    1. It can be a little clunky to use, but overall it is a really good tool.
